Thursday, October 14, 2010

After many hours of searching ebay, I finally found an authentic and original set of Dunstall silencers. Finding these things is like looking for a unicorn.

How my new hydraulic clutch mounts inside the gearbox casing

My fancy new hydraulic clutch kit from Colorado Norton Works. Worth its weight in gold.

What student loans will do when applied towards chrome plating.

Every English bike purist on earth spinning in their grave looking at these.

1 comment:

  1. I see this is an old blog, I have a 67 atlas I wanted to try the CNW Hydraulic clutch system on it however the gentleman that I emailed there claimed the atlas spring clutch was too heavy for his system and the trans side cover on the atlas wouldn't work either. His kits were designed for commandos with a diaphragm clutch. I'd love to know how yours worked out.
