Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Project

I am the proud owner of a 1968 Norton Atlas. I have had it for 11 years this December. Of the 14 motorbikes I have owned (most vintage British) this is undoubtedly my favourite.

On Dec. 10th 2008, after 11 years planning and scheming (and the worst law school final exam known to mankind) I finally started its long overdue rebuild. I am not conceited enough to believe that anyone really cares about any of this, however, I am looking for as much advice, input, feedback and comments as I can get from just about anyone. This blog is created for that purpose. If you are interested or know anything about bikes, and have anything to say, I would like to hear it. If you have advice, PLEASE GOD GIVE IT TO ME! If you are looking to flog some parts, please let me know too.

I will update at various stages along the way with pictures.


  1. This brings back many greasy memories! Advice or no advice, Dan you will get this right! She will not leak a single drop of oil if you have anything to do with it.

  2. Try to do something about all that awfull vibration please

  3. Buy a Japanies bike and you wont have to rebuild it.

  4. Hey Dan: Is it running yet??? You must post more pictures when you get it on the road. I too have a 1968 Atlas that has been sitting in my garage for the past 19 years. Since I retired 3 years ago I have acquired a 1974 850 Commando. Both projects are just getting underway. Shoot me an email at Lets talk Norton

    D Bowden
